Under the
supervision of the Ministry of the Economy and Finance, the Caisse Autonome
d’Amortissement (CAA) is responsible for mobilizing untitled resources and
managing public debt. It was established by Ordinance N° 28/PR/MFAE of August
03, 1966, which created the Taxe Spéciale d’Amortissement (TSA). Since then,
the texts governing the institution, its objectives and remit have evolved in
line with Benin’s socio-economic development and changes in the international
financial context. Decree N°423/PR/MFAE of November 12, 1966 on the
organization and operation of the Caisse Autonome has been amended several
times: in 1967, 1969, 1973, 1998 and 2008.
N°2008-241 of May 06, 2008, approving the Institution’s articles of
association, redefined and redefined its various missions. This decree
therefore establishes the structure and remit of the CAA as we know it today.
to ensure that its name better reflects its activities and its importance in
Benin’s public finance system, on the one hand, and to further promote Benin as
a model of transparent, innovative, proactive and diversified public debt
management, the CAA changed its name on July 12, 2023. In accordance with
Decree N°2023-357 of July 12, 2023 on the powers, organization and operation of
the Ministry of the Economy and Finance, the CAA became the Caisse
Autonome de Gestion de la Dette (CAGD) du Bénin.
“To promote Benin as a model of transparent, innovative, proactive and diversified Public Debt management” with a genuine desire for progress, focusing on four major result areas that complement and support each other: transparency, innovation, proactivity and diversification.
Formulate and implement a strategy for mobilizing financing and managing public debt;
Analyze and negotiate financing offers, conventions and loan agreements with various institutions;
Mobilize and service Public Debt;
Produce periodic statistics on Public Debt for stakeholders;
Monitor the execution of development projects and manage on-lent, subsidized and endorsed loans.